Free Map Maker Program – The Creator System Two

Map Makers Can Be Inconvenient

While I was using RPGTable Online the other day, I started thinking about how I needed to make some serious preparation for my next campaign. I looked at my books and such, but I was trying to figure what to do about keeping my own maps for personal reference. Sure, it comes with its own map interface, but I wanted to have a map outside of the game. Maybe not even on the computer itself. I also wanted to achieve this without graph paper – since that seems to be something I am lacking right now (that is why I was struggling on Eye of the Beholder the other day).

They Can Be Costly

So I went off browsing the internet for some map making programs out there. Sure I found quite a few out there, but some required it to be stored on their servers or for you to make some outrageous purchase. One of them was in the United Kingdom which is kind of difficult for me since I pay in US Dollars and not in pounds. Plus, the price was too high anyway. The quality looked awesome on it, but I would have just as happy with something simple.

At that point, I did not care if it was just something that was a graph where I could draw simple lines like back in the day when people use to play Dungeons and Dragons first edition or even dnd 2nd edition for that matter.

As I was browsing around, I found a site that had a link to something called The Creator System. For some reason, it was not placed at the top of the page, but you know me. If I see something in the headlines, I tend to think there is a catch or it is useless. Most stuff at the top ten in google or the top 10 software tends to be not what I am looking for. It might be what someone else wants, but not me. I like to skip elsewhere and lo and behold there it is shoved at the way back just because the person had a lower ranking.

So there it was. Did I click it first? I have to be honest I did not. I looked else where first and I knew in my gut feeling that the other stuff was crap and it was. I should have went with the creator system 2 in the first place. I checked it out and it was pretty useful despite how simple it may seem. It serves its purpose and it costs absolutely nothing.

Using The Creator System

Let me explain how you use it. Obviously, the easy part is installing the wonderful piece of software. We all love it when programmer create an installation file for us instead of us manually pulling stuff that has been jammed into a zip or rar file.

So, once it is installed, just double click the icon that appeared on your desktop. It should say The Creator System 2 and the icon will show TCS 2 on it. At first you might feel kind of lost despite it simplicity. I was kind of confused at first. I thought, “Where is my grid and how do I start making the map?” It is actually a ridiculously easy answer.

Go into File and then select New. Type in your working title, your awesome name, and your fantastic description of your possibly new dungeon map that you can keep in secret as the players begin to play your game. Then, click the create it button.

Now, I know it may seem kind of odd that it asking to save a file when creating a map, but just worth it. Trust me, your blank grid will show up afterwards. Type in the file name you want to have and click save.


Artist: Jakob A. Kattner
I drew this using
The Creator System 2. I know I am probably not the best artist in the world. Just remember that even by the simplest things
in life, great things can be accomplished.

The rest is pretty much self explanatory. Grab a button with a shape to make shapes and use lines to make some lines. There are a variety of line types to choose from as well as colors for your lines. If you make some shapes, you can put in some shading inside of them. I don’t know about you, but this would be great for those who are living on a tight budget and do not want to bother with pulling out the graph paper from the store.

Works With Windows 7

I also want to point out that it is indeed Windows 7 compatible. I have personally tested it out myself and I love it! Now, I do want to point out that it was last worked on in 2005 and the creator stopped working on it due to other priorities, so it does have a few bugs in it that need to be worked out.

Possibility of Further Development

I have contacted the person who developed the program myself. The developer seems friendly and more than willing to help out those needing assistance with it. Remember, nothing improves if nothing gets said. I offered my own suggestions and it seems like Justin is more than willing to continue development again.

Check it out the banner below. I get no profit out of this whatsoever. Only the satisfaction of gamers not struggling with costs and map convenience anymore.

If you have any questions or comments about this post or require assistance, please leave a comment below or on my google plus. I would greatly appreciate it.

Your Fellow Gamer


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